Kamis, 02 Jan 2025
  • Jl. Gajayana no. 50 Dinoyo Malang
  • Jl. Gajayana no. 50 Dinoyo Malang

For The Sake of Increasing The Spirit of Devotion, MSAA Conduct SAMIL

El-Ma’rifah- Tasji’ul Himmah for Musyrif/ah in MSAA has been held for the third time. This year, Tasji’ul Himmah was arranged differently from the previous year. In this year, Musyrif/ah 89 were naming themselves as SAMIL (Santri Millennial) in order to conform with the characteristics of students in the millennial era.

Mon (2/4), All of Santri Millenial were assembling to carry out istighosah and du’a together, as part of activities in Tasji’ul Himmah, at the 1st floor of Halaqoh Mahad. KH. Ahmad Muzakki, M.A., The Director of Pusat Mahad Al-Jami’ah, was also giving an initial briefing. Then, it was followed by a socialization about final preparation and the running of Tasji’ul Himmah activities in the next day.

Tuesday (2/5) at 5.30 pm, a choreography video of SAMIL 2019 was held at the largest ladder of UIN Malang. After the video capture was complete, the participants went to the location of Tasji’ul Himmah. At 8.30 a.m., the participants arrived and followed the opening activity. The main activity of this event was Outbound for Musyrif/ah who has been divided into several groups.

Tasjiul Himmah was conducted in order to increase Musyrif/ah’s motivation in giving devotion for MSAA. “I hope through this event, we can refesh their motivation so it would make them to be more enthusiastic in serving and accompanying mahasantri in MSAA,” said KH. Ahmad Muzakki, The Director of Pusat Mahad Al Jamiah.

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Februari 2019
